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Sad week for Venice: This year has brought the worst flooding in half a century, with over six feet of water submerging the city’s most revered historical sites. Pictured here is Piazza San Marco in 1993, when the water was only ankle deep. If you wish to contribute to the recovery effort visit www.veniceinperil.org/donate - My heart goes out to Venice. #acquaalta #Venice #piazzasanmarco #flooding #veniceitaly

Публикация от Michael Yamashita (@yamashitaphoto)

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Venezia, Italia . . . . . . #venezia #italy #visitvenice #veneziagram #ig_venezia #ilovevenice #veniceitaly #discovervenice #prayersforvenice #flooding #veneziaunica #visitvenezia #traveldiaries #wintervacation #explorepage #traveltheworld #photooftheday #travelblog #girlswhotravel #travelanddestinations #got_greatshots #got_greatshots_travitude #travel_drops #travel_drops_ #welivetoexplore

Публикация от @ _travitude

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Venice, Italy hit with the worst floods in 50 years mere moments after rejecting climate crisis plan. Currently under a state of emergency Venice was hit by it's third major flood in less than a week. This is the worst week for the city since official tide statistics were produced in 1872. Damage from invading salt water has hit over $1 billion. Stores and museums were the closed in the hardest-hit area around St. Mark's Square. Share and comment your thoughts! #veniceitaly #floodinginvenice #climatechange #climatecrisis #climateemergency #flooding #jointhemovement #playyourpart #reducereuserecycle #italy #news #checkitout #venice #saveourplanet #sealevelrise #environmentallyconscious #environmentallyconscious #environmentalactivist #stmarkssquare #stmarksbasilica

Публикация от The Green Team *eco friendly* (@123.greenteam)


Подготовил Тимур Хайрутдинов